Love kindness, do justice, walk humbly with God.”Micah 6:8
Click here for video of our service from Palm Sunday, April 5, 2020
Click here for video of our service from Maundy Thursday, April 9, 2020
Click here for video of our service from Good Friday, April 10, 2020
To view current library of online services, please click here.
There will be no Easter sunrise service.
Please join us for worship via the Easter online worship link!
Welcome to The Nahant Village Church:
An Open and Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ
Dear Friends,
On Sunday we celebrated Jesus' entrance into Jerusalem, palms waving. Just last night we remembered the last supper and Jesus' commandment that we love one another.
And now we arrive, both in our liturgical calendar and in our collective reading of the Gospel of Mark (from start to finish) at Good Friday. This is the day in which we remember Jesus' final moments of earthly life-- as he was mocked, spat upon, crucified.
This is a hard day for Christians. It's a day in which we sit with the realities of earthly ministry-- that a ministry of such love ultimately led to execution. This is a day that might bring up a number of topics in your mind: salvation, grace, capital punishment, torture, commitment, victory, sin, sacrifice and more.
I invite you to settle in and listen to tonight's scripture readings, music, meditations and more. Perhaps ask yourself:
What does Good Friday mean to me and my faith?
What happened on the cross?
In the upcoming months of Eastertide, we can think more about the cross, together. I often say that church is like a laboratory. It's a place to be who we truly are, to extend grace to one another AND it's a place to wrestle with the big questions together.
Please note that Zoom has instituted new privacy settings. So, If you'd like to be a part of an upcoming Zoom gathering with the Nahant Village Church, please email me at for an invitation and password.
Here are the gatherings this week:
Sunday: Virtual Coffee Hour 12-1 pm EST
Monday: Mental Health Support Group 5-6 pm EST
Tuesday: Bible Study 10-11 am EST
Tuesday: Open Time for Check in and Prayer 11-11:30am
I pray blessings on your Holy Week. We journey together from the cross to the empty tomb and finally resurrection. Breathe deep and know that you are loved by God and by one another.
Rev. Megan
Pastor, The Nahant Village Church United Church of Christ
Note: All photos of in-person gatherings are from pre-physical-distancing times. And, all music is recorded in separate locations.
You are welcome to worship together this evening (or anytime this week)...
Through listening to our sermon
Or by requesting a paper worship packet to be delivered or mailed to your home
Previous Sunday worship videos can be viewed through the following links:
Maundy Thursday Worhip:
Palm Sunday Worship:
If you would like to participate in our At-Home Virtual Worship videos, please email Rev. Megan at Options include video or audio recording yourself: leading Call to Worship, leading Prayer of Invocation, reading scripture, Praying for our community, offering a musical reflection (voice and/or instrument)
Pastoral Care and Community Care can be especially critical in times of great stress and anxiety in the wider community. Please do not hesitate to reach out to Rev. Megan directly at or call her cell phone at (617) 356-7181.
My Brother's Table
To find out about how to contribute to My Brother's Table, please connect with Nancy Cantelmo:
Ione Hansell's 100th Birthday
Ione turned 100 on today! Ione is a beloved NVC member and a Tiffany Room volunteer for 35 years! Ione has been in Hathorne Hill Nursing home for 2 years and no visitors are allowed at this time. Please send your love in a birthday card to Ione for her milestone birthday:
Ione Hansell
Hathorne Hill
15 Kirkbride Drive
Danvers, MA 01923.
You can send donations:
via check to Nahant Village Church
PO Box 77
Nahant, MA 01908
Or, mobile giving, through downloading the Give+ App and selecting The Nahant Village Church (zip code 01908)
Or, through our online giving platform, Vanco, home page of website, top right corner:
Event Calendar
Click Here To View Calendar
An Open And
Affirming Congregation
On Pentecost 2014, Nahant Village Church became “Open & Affirming” ~ the 140th church in our Conference, and the 1200th in our denomination.